I have been working on another Jaywalker sock, but this one is for Babygurl. I'm adapting the pattern as I go so it will fit an infant size 7ish foot. once I have finished the first one I'll put the adapted pattern up here.

Here is some hand spun that I did not spin, but I dyed the roving! My friend Minnie spun it for me because I have a hard time getting any spinning done, let alone spinning fingering weight.
She made singles of the Viole(n)t and (B)Limey rovings, then plied them together.

This is the stuff that I spun, the first picture is some silk caps that I bought on my honeymoon(5 years ago). It was spun on a hand spindle then Navajo plied. The second photo is some tussah silk that I dyed they are each about 4oz the yellow and blue ones on the right I spun sometime before Babygurl was born, the green and purple were spun the Monday after Lillies while Babygurl was at Tante Yaya's house. I'll be knitting some Christmas stockings for us out of it, but probably wont get them done this year.

My garden is doing great! The cabbages are cabbageing, and the tomatoes are tomating, hopefully my tomatoes will get ripe this year. Last year they were still green when the frost hit.

The trip we took to visit grandma & grandpa's farm in the beginning of June? I think. Babygurl got to help feed the baby goats and she got to hold a baby kittie. She was really good with the kitten she didn't try to squeeze it or anything, she did give it lots of kisses.

The new Lime & Violet theme yarns I have been working on!
They are all self striping, and limited edition, they will be available only from the limenviolet.com shop , they probably wont be available for a couple of weeks as Miss V is seriously busy, but keep checking back.

(for today)
(for today)
pretty, pretty! i looked at the flickr pics, too, very nice.
when do you want the boys to come mow?
looks like you've been very busy! i looked at all the photos on the flikr site... the one with the giraffes cracks me up. i'll have to get it printed or something.
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